Lazy to practice music? Here is your answer

Hey! No posts for a long time huh? Well well, I am back blogging. My video explanations are going to be uploaded on youtube soon..its easier to do that I feel, rather than upload on the blog, so yeah. But I will surely link it with the particular post. Many of you often get lazy to practice your instrument? Here is what I do and it really works for me so as usual, I want to share my information with you..
1)You really like it?: Your instrument, do you enjoy playing it? If not then choose an instrument which you actually like playing...its important. Think about it, would a peson actually like removing the instrument from the case, plug it in, and then practice it even though they don't enjoy it? For all you know, you might not even like music. So find an instrument you like, this is the most essential.

2)Cases off!: The first blockage between you and your instrument is the case. Its the most irritating part, even to me. So take off the case from your instrument. You might need to be cleaning your instrument a little more, but its worth it. Believe me, it will work. But don't throw your case away, you might need it later on if you have to take your instrument somewhere.

3)Stand up: Now since your case is off, you need to get a nice place for your instrument. Lets take the example of a guitar: you have to find a place to keep it. You go to a store and see which stand is steady.. Buy that. Have a dog in the house like me and don't want him to knock down your guitar with his tail? No problem at all! Buy a wall stand. That should do it. I have a dog in the house, and I dont want him to knock it over..I sure do have a wall stand for my guitar..and that is where it is most of the time. But I have a ground stand too. The reason is that when I am practicing and need to open the book, I cant unplug my guitar and keep it on the wall stand everytime. So when I take small breaks I keep it on the ground stand.

4)Placing: Find out a place in your home where you are most of the the stand somewhere there...if its a wall stand. If you have a ground stand anywhere you want.

All this, it may sound dumb. But believe me, it works for me. And it is really amazing to have your instrument ready whenever you want it. Try it. No force, but it will help you. So its your choice, buddy! So stay smart, be aware, and rock!!!! Here is the video explanation


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