Job options in music

Hello guys! I know I had to make this post yesterday but I am making it  now because yesterday I really did not get time.anyways so now I am going to talk about the professions in music. So I hope you get  fair idea of what I am talking about here. 

1)Booking agent: Schedules or books venues in which artists or bands will perform.
                 Salary: $20,000 to $1,000,000+

2)Concert Promoter: They act as a host to bands or artists, whether they are performing in a club,
                                      concert or any other venue. They also coordinate to any other details related
                                     with promoting the artist or band.
                        Salary: $0 to $1,000,000

3)Personal Manager: He represents the artist or band, giving them advice on all aspects of their           
                       Salary:  10% to 50% of artists total earnings.

4)Music producer:  He writes music in styles that are fit for T.V and related productions. Think that
                                  as well as commercials and even video games.
                   Salary:  $5,000 to $200,000

5)Background singer: He may sing alone or with a band or artist. He can sing live in a recording 

Guys I know these are very few of all of them, but this just gives you a fair idea of what kind of jobs are actually there, which many of you may not know, especially in terms of music. So if you enjoyed please comment, and if you have any questions you can ask them by mailing me at OR leaving your question and email ID in the comments.


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