Tips on forming a band

Forming a band may sound easy, and it will be, if you have the right people, but the main issue comes when you have to be famous.

1) Make friends with people who know how to play the guitar, keyboard and drums: These three instruments are VERY important. Together you can form a band with these three instruments, but the people you find should be worthwhile. You may find people in different ways. You may just have some friends at school, or you may make some friends when you go for a concert, with who you can try jamming and seeing if they are good enough for the band you want to form. You may sing or find a singer.
NOTE: I know what I am talking guys, I have had experience trying to form two bands where I got stuck up with people who only claimed that they played the instrument. So I tried to teach them some  things but was unsuccessful. And today I have wasted my time. What I am going to do is start uploading on youtube solo. So if you guys want to send me your backing tracks on which I could play, please mail me the link. Thank  you.
2) Keep a name for your band: Once you got people who are dedicated enough, keep a nice name for your band. The nice name could be meaningless too. But all it should do is sound nice.

3)Practice for hours and hours: You can either start with composing your music or creating music by starting a solo on a particular scale (something like jamming). Once you start doing that, somehow you will yourself make some solos. So that is one easy way, or you can simply compose before playing. Then you need to find a big enough place for the instruments and then make sure it does not disturb the old people who are home. Practice at least once a week. If practising more is possible, and you have the time to do so, then please do it. It is going to help you in the long term.

4)Go shopping: I know this sounds dumb, or nothing like what the topic is, but this is a part as important as playing. Go shopping with your band members and buy some cool t-shirts and stuff like that for your performance. Go and get some equipment to make yourself ready.

5)Spread the word: Once you have prepared with your songs and then ready for your performance, spread the word. Put up posters, email your friends and neighbours, and try to get into contact with as many people as you can get to see your performance.

6)Don't be shy to tell people: I know that sometimes when you go out for dinner with your parents and relatives, you do feel shy to tell them you have formed a band. But do tell them. It will help. Show them some videos you have uploaded on youtube yourself. You never know what helps.

10)Make a website for your band: You may have performed for your neighbourhood and friends, but once you have done this, they will spread the word. All you have to do is practice and prepare more songs and perform them in front of your neighbours. They will do the rest. If you prompt them to do it, they won't. Just don't talk to them about it. Now what you want to do is make a website with pictures of you there. Write some useful information or information that will get the people interested in contacting you or watching your videos on youtube.

11)Blog: Blog about your band almost once in 3 days. This will, over a period of 2-3 months, make the google search engine catch your blog and then people will know about it. So Be sharp, Be aware, And rock!!!!

Okay guys I hope this helped you. Thank you. See you later!


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