Listening to what cost???

Guys, this is a major problem today: the volume control when you are using earplugs or headphones. People's hearing levels are going down because of high volume while using earphones. So what I am writing right now is just to make you aware of this problem.

Hearing with earphones/headphones is not bad. All you need to know is how much volume to use while you are listening to music. Firstly, lets see how these instruments are placed. Headphones are right outside your ears, even touching it, and earplugs, even worse, are INSIDE your ears...and if you are going to put high volumes of music on then, your ears will surely get damaged. So what we need to do, you know it very well.

Volume of the music depends on the kind of music you are hearing. If you are hearing soft acoustic, with singing, then your volume can be one unit above half. If you are listening to hard rock or heavy metal, your volume should probably be one unit below half. If you are listening to soft rock, then your music can be exactly half of the full volume. So yeah, that will be enough.

So guys, I just wanted to make you aware which is why I wrote this tiny article. Even if you have come to see another post, please read this...because your volume may not be appropriate. I'm not saying that all of you listen to music at bad volumes, I am just saying majority of the world. So see you later, be sharp, be aware and rock!!!!


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