Jobs for Music? Yes and No
I had uploaded an article long, long ago about the jobs that one can get in the music industry. I will add a link to that article after this article ends...
There are job opportunities in music, for sure, and up until a while ago, I myself was keen on entering the music industry, but I'll tell you why I changed my mind.
My parents have always been very supportive of my choices, whether it be career-wise or otherwise. If they feel that my choices are not wrong, they fully support me in every way possible.
When they heard that I wanted to pursue music, they were fully supportive of my decision at first. However, when I didn't change my mind about music after 5 years, they started looking into my opportunities seriously. Their main concern was how much money I'd make...
Now I'm sure a lot of you will say "When you love something and you want to do it, money doesn't matter." uhhh yes it does! Money matters a lot. If you want to live a comfortable life, support your children and your wife, and not suffer from financial problems, then you really need to look into what kind of money the job will bring you in the long run.
My parents had heard from somewhere that money is uncertain in the music industry, and that had them worried. Keep in mind that this did not demotivate me. I was still willing to dedicate my life to music.
However, what changed my mind is when someone I really looked up to, told me that music may or may not take me very far in life.
I was still pretty reluctant to give up my music, but then what he told me made a lot of sense, and I changed my mind. I will share with you what he told me later in this post.
So now you know my story.
However, I promise you that in this post, irrespective of what I believe, I will not demotivate anyone from pursuing music. Music is a lovely art and, in fact, I encourage the willing to pursue it.
As such, there is no problem in pursuing music. However, here's the catch, and this is what that man told me:
Music is an industry where you can make as much money as a king, but it can also be the same industry which could make you lose everything you have.
Music is a very competitive field, there are lots and lots of musicians. Everyone has their own style of playing, all audiences have different preferences. There are very few chances of you ever making it big.
B.B King had a net worth of a whopping $30 MILLION. He was the best, even though I personally didn't like his music. (no matter how good you are, there will always be people who don't like your music)
Gary Moore was worth almost $3 MILLION.
It's not impossible to make money in music. Once you make it big, you get the money. No audience, no music buyers, no money. That's as simple as it gets.
However, if we take a closer look, there were a lot of musicians who had a lot of money, lost it all at some point in time, then rose up again.
Having a lot of money is the first thing, but managing your money is what really matters at the end of the day. If you earn tons, but you spend all of it, you're left with none.
You need to know exactly how much to spend, how much to save, how much to invest, and plan your future expenditures, because money is not guaranteed. The day you lose the fame, the audience, that's the day you stop earning.
The good part of all of this is, you don't have to be the best!
Of course you have to be great, you have to be REALLY REALLY good. You have to practice, learn, and experiment. You can't stop learning. You can't stop experimenting. You can't stop practicing.
If you think getting big is a piece of cake, it's not. However, you don't have to be better than that famous hotel band in town, because here's one thing most musicians don't realize:
Being good at music is only one half of the game.
Yes, there is another half. You think everyone who's famous is damn good at what they do? Not really.
The other important half of being big in music is marketing. Marketing yourself, socially or otherwise, will get you recognition.
Have you heard of this thing people say, "Keep playing and the fame will come to you"? Well, when someone tells you that, tell them to go shove their instrument up their butthole.
People who say this are not famous, they're average. The only famous people who will ever say that are the people who got lucky, or the people famous for looks, not music.
Being good at playing is a part of the game, but socializing, marketing yourself, getting in touch with audiences, that's a whole different game, which contributes to 50% of your success.
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I really hope this article helped!
Jobs in music that you can pursue: click here
Feel free to ask me any questions.
Have a nice day :)
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