5 Tips To Increase Your Speed On Your Instrument

I assume most of us reading this post right now play some sort of instrument. Surely, you've seen people play it faster than you and you're just sitting there thinking "I have to be like this guy"...well, I've gone through it too, and I still do, but here are a few tips I've learned that actually did help me become faster at my instrument.

1)Play it slow: Nobody started playing their instrument fast from the beginning. It takes patience and effort. Just play the lick slowly, and repeatedly. It will go into your muscle memory soon, if you do this step properly. That would increase your speed over days, weeks, years, whatever your capacity is. (I really hope it isn't years)

2)Play it fast: In contrast to my previous point, there's another theory which most people disagree with, but I've tried it and it worked for me. Try playing it fast. In the beginning, you might not even be able to get the notes right, but sometimes you just don't have the patience. Go for it. Try playing it fast. Over time, you will not only be able to play the lick properly, but you will be able to play it at the desired speed (the speed at which you practiced it). 

3)Play it repeatedly: As mentioned in the above steps, don't just play it once a day or once a week. Just play it over and over again everyday. It will pay off.

4)Add a little fun to it: Sometimes you get bored of doing it and your hands just go elsewhere. Maybe you can add the lick you're trying to play fast in your improvisation, or maybe you could just move your hands over your instrument and play the lick in between. Whatever floats your boat, don't make it too boring. I'll fall asleep watching you.

5)Patience: It is one of the key determinants of success, at least in this context. You have to be patient and keep trying it over and over again. Let's put it this way: You'd rather play it close to perfect after practicing it for a month than to practice for a week and play unclear notes and a few incorrect ones too.

I tried to keep my post short and sweet for once. Hope this helped. Have a nice day! For further questions regarding this topic, feel free to email me at parthbhavnani@outlook.com


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