How to make your instruments last longer
Let's admit it: We pay a lot of money on our instruments. Some of us even pay to get the strings of our guitars changed instead of changing it ourselves.
Due to this we all want our instruments to last long. If you're a millionaire wasting your money buying a new piano every week instead of cleaning it, this post is not for you.
This post is for you guys who actually love your instruments and want them to last long.
Here are some things you can do to make your instrument last you a lifetime:
Know it: You need to know your instrument better than others do. If it's a guitar, you should know it as something more than just a guitar. It should have more value than a guitar to you. You need to love your instrument, know it's special features if it has any, know how to play it better than others. You should be comfortable playing it in all ways. Only when it has your appreciation will you be able to maintain it better and make it last longer.
Rock it: What I mean to say is, play it. I only type out such things in bold is to ensure you actually read the entire point. So, play it often, use it, feel the guitar. Only when you play it will you know exactly how it's supposed to feel, and over time what parts need changing or repairing.
Originality: I'm not talking about how original my bold captions are. I'm talking about your instrument. Try to use the same parts it came with. Try to minimize the changes, even if it means giving up improving the sound of your guitar. I know that this would be playing it too safe, but that's all I can suggest you do if you really want to maximize your instrument life.
Repair it while you can: Yeah, I came to the point here. Repair it when it's needed. Don't delay things, because it may be bad for your instrument. Try to maintain your instrument by repairing things immediately as problems occur. If you're trying to play it too safe, don't try to make the instrument work with the spoiled part. For example, if you have a guitar, and your pickup gets spoiled, then don't keep playing it with a spoiled pickup (yeah, people do that). Repair it. Be ready to do whatever it takes to get it repaired.
Clean it: Sometimes if too much dust or dog hair gets collected in your instrument (somehow, but things can get anywhere) it can choke your instrument. So what you can do is keep it clean. Sometimes if you eat food over your instrument and something sweet gets collected in your instrument, it can attract ants (and believe me, ants can enter any place anyhow. So keep it clean!
Okay wait, before I get on with the next point, something amusing just popped in my mind. What if someone eats chocolate over a grand piano, and it goes and falls at the back, and the next day when he plays it, ants keep popping up. I know it's stupid, but it's just too funny for me.
Phew! This surely was a small post but I'm out of ideas right now.
Thank you for reading this! Whether you liked it or not, this is what it takes to really make your instrument last long. Again, it's not practical to follow some like trying to use the same parts till you have that instrument with you, but it's what it would take to absolutely maximize its life.
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