Musical Notes

This is going to be an interesting topic. One of my favourites, actually. Let's get started.

Now, what you need to understand is a musical note is nothing but a sound representing a pitch. One can say that it is a pitch itself.

The base musical notes are sung in different ways in different countries. However, the most popular way of singing them is in "Do-Re-Mi-Fa..." Like I said earlier, in other countries different letters are used for representing the different sound or pitch.


Octaves are extremely easy to understand. You may have to read twice, but you will understand. It is really not that difficult.

So an octave is generally a series of eight notes, where one note may be half or twice the frequency of the other.

Now in case you read the above twice and still didn't understand, I will further explain the sentence. 

C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C.

Examine the above carefully. They are a total of eight notes. Now if you go to see, there are two "C"s. When this is played on an instrument, the first C and the last C will be Cs, but one will have a higher pitch and one a lower pitch. Therefore, you can say that there is a difference between them.

Now The first C and the last C complete one octave. Thus, the interval between the first C and last C forms the octave, and the above octave has eight notes. Now I want you to read the definition again.

However, pitch and octave are not the same. There is a vast difference. There are a two formal definitions of an octave which you can check out:

1)Helmholtz Pitch Notation.

2)Scientific Pitch Notation.


Now we proceed to answer a part of the theory list I uploaded in my previous blog-post. 

There are a total of twelve notes in music.

This means that every cycle from one note back to that note will have twelve notes - not more, not less.

Let me go on and prove this to you. 

Starting from C, we have:

C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B.

The above accounts to the twelve notes of music. I started from C and ended at C. I did not count twice, as every musician will know that after B there is no sharp - a direct C. If the number of notes are counted, they are indeed twelve in number.


Each note has a particular frequency. 

Since sound is caused by external vibration, it is measured in Hertz.

              ACCIDENTAL NOTES

In simple words, accidental notes are basically the wrong notes you play during an improvisation or a solo, but you play such notes on purpose. It is very good for a change from the original scale, or for deviating from it a bit.

You play such a note for a second, then get back on your scale. It enhances your solo.

Thank you for taking out time for reading this. Please share this information with those who could benefit from it. Keep up to date with this blog for new and interesting posts. Have a nice day.



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