Play it like you own it

Let's say you're a musician. Let's say one fine day, you go to your music school/instrument class and you're given the opportunity to perform at a gig with a few other students. Would you? Let's say you would.
Since you go to that school/class, and they set up the gig for some students, they will decide how to go about the gig. So they will decide the instruments, placement, practice, microphones...basically the whole set-up.
You are given two songs to play. Now for your own interest, you have been learning how to play a song which you like, and they are performing that song at the gig. You tell them that you are prepared for it. They agree, and test you. You play it perfectly, you hit the notes, you keep up with the beat, and its wonderful! Clap clap. However, they may not feel the same. They will tell you something is missing. I have nothing particular that I am talking about here, it could be anything.
In this post, I am going to tell you about a trick. This trick can be used by a starter, a professional (I think a professional may already know about it and might be using it too) and anyone in between. There is not much you need to worry about here. It is not very tough, its actually very easy, and requires some practice.
The trick can be described in just two words: FEEL IT
Now let's look at it more closely. What does feel mean? According to some, feel may mean a certain touch and control a person has over his instrument. For others, feel may be the energy that causes emotions. What some don't know is, that both the meanings are inter-related. I will talk about that in the next post.
For now, let's take the feel which means 'energy that causes emotions'.
So, there is a simple exercise which won't take long. Do this before you get on stage and play the song, or before you start practicing it.
1)Watch a live video of the artist performing it in front of audience.
2)Sit straight. Keep your spine erect. Switch off your phone or put it on silent mode. It is not necessary to chat with your friends and answer your loved ones every single minute.
3)Keep your eyes closed. If you open, you're cheating yourself as well as losing out on some fruitful results.
4)Take deep breaths. Breathe 7 times.
5)DO NOT open your eyes after this. Keep them shut and imagine this scene. You're the guy who played this. You come up on stage. See the audience. See how people are cheering/waiting for you to start (depends on the video).
6) Open your eyes. However, do not stop imagining the scene. Pick up your instrument and start playing as if you're playing in front of the audience and its the first time they're hearing this song.
7) Feel it. You composed this song. You're displaying your emotions through it. Breathe it. Live it. You have one chance to do this right. Do it. Cover up your mistakes, if any. Do not let your audience know that you made them. If you feel your music, they will.
8) Play it the best way you can. Play hard when you need to, go soft when necessary. Make the audience love it. The song is yours. You own it.

This will help you. There are no ifs and buts about it. Thank you for taking out your time to read this post, and I hoped I answered your question (if you had one). Have a nice day!


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