How to read western notation easily

Since you were a kid, you have been reading and writing and doing various things with your language. Similarly, even western notation is a language. It is indeed something you can read, write and speak. This post will make it easier for you to understand and come up with some new creative ways to improve your reading and writing skills in western notation.

1)Practice: People say practice makes a man perfect. Even though nobody is perfect, you have to practice, and work towards perfection. Only then will you really become good. So pick up random pieces and start reading them, and if you can, play them too. 

2)Question: If you don't understand something, you can always seek help from a friend or anyone in the field of music. Questioning helps you understand western notation better and develops your mind in a way that cannot be done without clearing doubts.

3)Basic: If you construct a building with a weak base, and a heavy top, it will collapse. Therefore, you need to build your foundation strong. Then, it will become easier for you to understand the rest. It will be a piece of cake for you.

4)Compose: Understanding and reading skills are one part of it. Composing songs and writing them in western notation is essential. This will prevent one-sided development and will only make you stronger, in the subject.

5)Course-time: You may take courses, if needed, for your better understanding of this method of writing. There is not much to explain here.

6)Watch and learn: Watch other people teaching western notation over the internet, look at the comments/FAQs and you may find the answer to a question, or maybe more information. If you can't find an answer there, you can send a question yourself.

7)Legitimate chat-rooms: I am not promoting internet chatting here, but if you're taking an internet course, lets say from 'A' school of music, then there will be a chat room for discussions among other people who are taking the same course. In this way, if you did not understand a concept, then others may make it clear for you.



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