Keeping Different Speeds On a Definite Tempo
Now before I start, I want to tell you a few things. This is just a small and basic topic I am covering up tonight, so most of you readers who are into music will understand this just by the title. However, there are always exceptions, and by reading this the exceptions wouldn't be exceptions anymore.
P.S. if you don't understand this post, read it again slowly.
So the title is kind of confusing huh? How can you possibly have different speeds on a definite tempo? Actually you can.
You might have to read up a little more on this because I am explaining in brief, but let's say you have a tempo of 32bpm.
Now you can play whole notes, which means in four counts you can play only once in four counts. People find this to be the easiest.
Then there is a quarter note, where you can play four notes in four counts. People find this super easy, easier than the whole notes. Any guesses as to why this happens? I will explain that in another post. Till then, keep thinking.
Next, we have the eighth of a note, which is a bit more complicated than the previous two. In quarter notes you get four counts in one bar and it is counted as 1-2-3-4. However, this is faster and you can play 8 notes at the same tempo in one bar. Here, the notes are counted as 1-and-2-and-3-and-4-and. Here, not only are notes played on 1-2-3-4, but also on the 'and's. therefore, if you count, there are four notes played in one bar. If you see, you can't fit 8 notes in one bar at the same tempo just like that. You will have to INCREASE your speed. For this arrangement, keep the quarter notes on the same counts and add a note in in between 1-2-3-4, right where the "-"s are.
The same can be done with the sixteenth of a beat. If you see, here you will have to take it as 1-e-an-a-2-e-an-a.... and so on. Here again the 1-2-3-4 remain on the same beats and you have to add 3 notes in between. If you see, for this you will have to increase your speed while the tempo will remain the same.
So there you have it guys I hope you understood what I am trying to say and I hope it helped you in some way. I will see you in my next post which will hopefully be about why quarter notes are often easier to play than whole notes...good night!
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