How does music affect your study life?

Okay, so I know a lot of people say that music affects your study life greatly, in a good way, of course. Are you by chance having doubts about that? Read on.

So people say music makes up an important part of our lives. Some believe it, some don't. Some think rationally, some go out of their way to prove their point. Now let me tell you guys one thing, we live in a world which is dominated entirely by scientific thinking. Is there anything beyond science? Yes there is. Science is based on what we see, touch, feel, and everything related to the earth. However, has science really defined EVERY SINGLE THING IN OUR DAILY LIVES? Absolutely not. I have an example which will prove my point.

Electricity. We can't live without it. If it weren't for science, we would not have it. Science has used this resource, but has it really defined electricity? You ask a scientist this question, and he will at the most say electricity is a form of energy. But what form of energy? He may say it is blue in colour, but what does this do? It gives us light, but this thing we call electricity, what exactly is it? ELECTRICITY IS INDEFINABLE.

Science has said, and proved, that a student learning music, NOT LISTENING TO IT, LEARNING IT, has increased efficiency, and concentration. Surely, it is true, but not complete. The complete statement, to me, is "...increased efficiency, and concentration, but only in those interested in it". Science does not believe meditation, but meditation does release a lot of stress and increases your capability.

Music is an art. If you believe, you will get. If you believe that music helps you, then it definitely will. However, if you have blocked your mind from thinking rationally, and do not believe it without even giving it a try, you will not get any results. Anything, for that matter. Suppose you planned your day, and your friend asks you for lunch but you don't have time according to your schedule. He might try to suggest a way (which might just work) to complete your work and come for lunch, and you keep an open mind, it may benefit you. However, if you believe from the very start that his plan won't work, then you really would not take it into consideration and thus it really would not work.

If you are swimming, and you splash water roughly in all directions, the water will also be rough on you and drown you. If you be gentle with water, water will let you float. The same applies for music. If you love music, and keep an open mind toward it, then it will develop your brain in many ways. If you don't believe in music, then it really is not worth a try, because your mind is already blocked.

                        Only people who believe carry on reading

A quick suggestion. If you believe in what I say, and believe music to be a stress-reliever, live your stressful day normally. For five to ten minutes at night before sleeping, take your instrument and play whatever you want, not from any book. Even if it sounds wrong, continue. This will help you the same way it helps me. It's all in your mind. Thanks for reading!


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