
Showing posts from May, 2018

Why it’s important to practice a boring instrument every day

Let’s face it: there always comes a point in our life where we just get bored of playing our instruments and practicing them every day. We start by skipping a day, then maybe two, and ultimately we just stop practicing, and soon we lose our interest and stop playing the instrument altogether. This has happened to me and to so many people I know, and because I got back out of this phase and continued playing, I realized how important it is to continue playing…and that’s what today’s article is going to be about.   Why does this happen?   We’re humans, and we get really bored of doing the same thing every single day. Even if we love music, if we keep practicing every single day, there comes a time when we just don’t feel like doing it anymore. So we think “okay, nothing happens if we skip one day”. While that stands true in a way, what happens is you start thinking that it’s okay to skip a day in between sometimes. Therefore, you start doing it more regularly and...