
Showing posts from February, 2018

You Don't Know True Music

This blog is full of technical and more serious aspects of music. It's about music alright, and you might find all your answers here, but today's post is going to be a little different. Today, we are going to take the technical aspects of music and throw it out of the window. Today, we are going to talk about expressing ourselves in terms of music.  To be honest here, I have been posting on this blog for years now. We have regular readers, some who've been there since the beginning. Some of you send me nice emails. My point is, in case I'm repeating something I already posted a few years ago, don't mind it. It'll be refreshing your knowledge. Here's the thing: you go for your music classes, you go on YouTube and search for song lessons, and that's good. You learn good songs, you can play some nice things. Here's the catch though: What you're learning, it's not you. You are not what you learn from YouTube, or the technical things you le...