Peer Pressure in Music

Is there peer pressure in music? Yes, certainly. For the most part, you can tell the kind of musician someone is just by the kinds of people he or she hangs out with, or the kind of music that the person listens to. There are very few instances where you'll come across people who, for example, listen to metal music, hang out with people who listen to metal music, and play classical music on their instrument. You may not say it's peer pressure, it's more like influence. That's not wrong, but it's also pressure, more than you know. Let's do an experiment. It's safe for me to assume that you have friends who listen to some sort of electronically created music, EDM, rap, whatever. The next time you're around them play something like country music (personally, I like country music but most people don't). What do you think will happen? They'll probably tell you something along the lines of "stop playing trash music in the car" or someth...