Success, and How To Improve With It
Bonjour! This world includes all types of people, and it includes, but is not limited to successful people, egoistic people, heartbroken people, people who believe they have no future, and the list goes on. Success has many definitions, and it means a lot of things to a lot of people, and it exists in every field, every game, every single activity that exists in this world. Everyone wants to be successful, and everyone has a different idea of success...the best part is, you can achieve it! A lot of people set the bar of success so high, and they try to reach that bar in one go, and they take a fall and consider themselves failures. Little do they know, that's not how one should go about it. When someone's a baby, they learn to stand before they learn to walk, and they learn to walk before they learn to run. This is the easiest way to achieve your goals. This method is important, because to reach the ultimate success, one needs to have some kind of self motivation, and feeli...